Mimesis and Alterity: A Particular History of the Senses by Michael Taussig
This book was suggested by my sister, Emily (thanks!). The writing is a bit more academic than I can usually handle but I've been struck by a quote from Benjamin that is repeated a few times:
'Every day the urge grows stronger to get hold of an object at very close range by way of its likeness, its reproduction.' from 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction'
Of course I am reading this out of its context (something to think about is how quoting a text is a way of copying) and thus read it through my own lens. I am struck by this urge-- to get hold of something -- at close range -- it resonates with my project on copying. I think one aspect I am drawn to with copying is this desire to get hold of something, to understand it, to own it.